Page Updated: 3 January, 2021

We are sure everyone is aware of the current challenges being faced globally with the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and the impacts this is having on everyday life.  These impacts include everything from where we can go, what is open, and how we can get supplies we need.  We just wanted to provide a bit of advice, guidance and encouragement in this difficult time.

First – Please take care of yourself.  This means respect the shelter in place order from the Governor and restrict any unnecessary travel or errands.

Second – If you need something or some assistance ask someone in your network of friends.  We all have contacts that can help out of at least provide information that may be able to help.  Don’t be too proud to ask – we are all in this together and this is a time when we can all help one another through this.

Third – If you need supplies or food consider using some of services that are being provided.  This includes grocery shopping with delivery to your car at many stores and many restaurants proving meals for pick-up or delivery.  It is always best to try and support our local businesses.  They are trying to make it through the turbulent time also.

Finally – Regarding information, There is considerable information on the current impacts to our community, County, State, and Federal Government.  You can find up to date information from a number of reputable sources. More information can be found at:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

State of California

Placer County

City of Roseville COVID-19 Information


Retired Public Employees Association (RPEA)

Most area healthcare providers have regular and updated information to refer to:

Sutter Health



Many agencies are being impacted by this crisis and are revising procedures and processes.

California DMV

As always, when things are dynamic and changing there are those that attempt to take advantage.

Scams to Watch For!

If waiting for relief funds, more information can be found at:

Federal Relief Bill

Changes to tax laws, withdrawls, and planning can be found at:

CARES Act suspends required minimum distributions

Unfortunately there is no way of knowing just how bad it may get or when we will see a turn around but we can all do our part in reducing the spread!

Stay safe, Stay healthy, and know we will get through this together.