Thanks for dropping in and seeing what we are all about. RCORE is remaining vigilant in monitoring possible laws or changes in laws that can affect our pensions and benefits and will keep everyone apprised when something comes up that is important to retirees. We are continuing to work with the city regarding our OPEB Trust and should have some news on the RFP for trust administrator for both the OPEB Trust and the Section 115 Pension Trust next month. We will also have confirmation on the OPEB Oversight committee next month.
There are many benefits of remaining an active RCORE member, supporting efforts to remain connected to decision makers, making policy decisions that could impact Roseville retirees. We strive to keep our membership up to date through Quarterly Newsletters and Membership Meetings in October and March.
2024 is election year for Roseville City Council members. Three of the five councilmembers positions will be up for elections. District 1 currently held by councilmember Tracy Mendonsa is up for election, District 3, currently held by councilmember/Mayor Bruce Houdesheldt is up for election and District 5, currently held by Scott Alvord is up for election. If you are in any of those districts, don’t forget to get informed and vote next year for your representative.
If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any RCORE Board member and we will be happy to help.
Enjoy your well earned retirement,